Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to school means back to safety basics

Happy September! It’s not officially fall yet, but given the cool breeze that blew through following Tropical Storm Irene, it sure did feel like it. Yup, excursions to the apple orchards are within our sights with Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer, just days away.

Another sure sign that the dog days of summer will soon be a speck in the rear-view is that large, bright, yellow thing on the horizon. No, not talking about the big ’ol sun in the sky. It’s all of those school buses that are back on the roads for the 2011-12 school year that’s got us thinking.

What’s on our mind? Why safety, of course. From little ones, teens and all those tweens in between, this week students of all ages are getting back to the academic grind. That means it’s especially important to mind the speed limit and pay extra close attention to those flashing school bus lights. Even when no bus is around, kids could dart out into traffic, so be at the ready to apply those brakes as needed.

Your brakes are arguably the most important mechanical part of your vehicle. What are some sure signs it could be time for new ones? If you hear squealing or squeaking get it checked. Also, if you feel a pulsating sensation when you apply them that could be a sign that the rotors need attention. And, if you need to push your foot very close to the floor to get your vehicle to slow down, don’t ignore that symptom, which is a very serious sign that your brakes are in need of repair.

Normal wear and tear is to be expected and replacement of your brake pads is inevitable. The frequency of the pad replacement depends on a number of factors, including your driving habits. If you commute in bumper-to-bumper traffic regularly you may need to replace the brake pads more frequently than someone who primarily cruises on the highway during non-peak hours.

When you bring your vehicle in to be serviced at Westboro Toyota, we will assess just how “healthy” your brakes are. Don’t forget that you can book your appointments online – it’s fast and it’s simple.

Smart Stop Technology

Westboro Toyota is pleased to report that Toyota is the first full-line manufacturer to offer Smart Stop Technology (SST) as standard equipment in all 2011 Toyota models. SST, an advanced braking technology, reduces engine power when both pedals are pressed at the same time under certain conditions. SST intervenes when the accelerator is depressed first and the brakes are applied firmly for longer than one-half second at speeds greater than five miles per hour.

With normal driving conditions, SST isn’t noticeable. But, when you’re parked or stopped on a hill it is. It doesn’t engage if the brake pedal is depressed before the accelerator pedal, which allows a vehicle starting on a steep hill to safely accelerate without rolling backward. That’s peace of mind we can all use.

So, with the start of the school year now underway, remember: Get those brakes checked. And, exercise those defensive driving skills especially in the morning and afternoon when the kids are piling on and off the school bus. And, have a safe Happy Labor Day weekend!

1 comment:

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